This guide assumes that you have already set up your Jekyll pages using Github pages or similar and you want to change your theme.

  1. Change the gem "minima" line in the Gemfile as follows so it contains the github repo link
gem "minima", "~> 2.5", git: ""
  1. bundle install && bundle update to load whatever there is in the github repo

  2. Change the build settings in _config.yml

In the place where you earlier had

theme: minima

just add this line after theme: minima:

  skin: dark

You may add other options for minima as well such as header_pages, date_format, disqus, author, social_links and more. Check the readme of the official minima repo.

  1. Update your page and check the results!
bundle exec jekyll serve

then check with your browser.

Credit for Slowbro. I found the technique from their blog post and wrote a dumbified-down tutorial here for my own fun.