Having a comment section enables the author and the audience to discuss with each other and build a community around the topic. However, filtering spambots and hate speech let alone implementing the comment section can be troublesome.

I am using Disqus free plan. It’s currently the most suitable option for me even though there are multiple other options out there including programming my own comment section.

According to g2.com some of the best commenting systems are

  • Disqus
  • IntenseDebate
  • Viafoura
  • Hyvor Talks

but in reality there are dozens of options available. It took me only 5 minutes to get Disqus up and running.

Steps to use Disqus in Jekyll

  • Register to the site
  • Create a new page
    • Choose your shortname
  • Choose jekyll from the list of possible pages
  • Copy the following to your _config.yml
  shortname: yourshortname

where yourshortname is your Disqus short name.

Done! You might have to allow the Disqus comment section in your browser security extensions’ updates to see it on your browser.